Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another computer sh*%$t!

So of course only AFTER I bought my new white MacBook, did I get an Email from a friend with an article about the strange brown stain which appears on a significant amount of these new white MacBooks, making them look like a spring chicken getting brown in the oven. And of course, MY new puter is one of these yucky ones,( what else,grrrr!), and although Apple admitted the problem and promised to replace those lemons, I am just way too hot, and annoyed to go to the Apple store just yet.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dancing queen

Ahh it was fun getting out last night, for a "party". It was actually this kind of V.I.P thing that my friends Julio and Lar were invited to, at a club downtown on 10th Ave . To tell you the truth , it's been years since I hit the clubs, (I mean: the serious urban ones) especially in NYC, where it's pretty clear that you need to BE a hardcore club-kid to be able to attend. I used to stumble upon those crazy dancing places when I was younger and single, but I actually haven't intentionally gone to one forever. So we had to go through a few screening stages by a few bouncers, (but we were "allowed through" due to our close connections to the party organizer...) and after a short (industrial, loft-like) elevator ride,(oooh!) we finally got in to a large, dark space which had a bar, dance floor, famous D.J, segregated mattress'ed niches all around the corners, and lots, I mean LOTS of club kids dancing (or not) and cheering for the famous D.J. (can you please explain to me WHY this guy is so famous? I can do the same tricks on my GarageBand program on my little MAC!). If you are "lucky" to get your own mattress corner, you must be very special; (as we were,woohoo). A waitress arrives with a huge tray on which there's a wide selection of drinks (Paris Hilton probably gets a similar service!). Then you choose the bev (or bevS) of your dreams, (we went for a bottle of champagne to start with). Then you stretch out on your mattress and feel the unbelievable loudness of the beat raising the hair on your butt. (no, even more: massaging your intestines...) It's kinda fun if you can bear the decibels and the dancing with hundreds of sweaty clubbies around you.
I managed to do so for a little while, but that was enough for the next few years. Back to the (adult) opera world.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


It was so nice to get back home. The flight could not have been more endless; I think I watched all 4 movies on the way from Sydney, and didn't sleep a minute. (I can't even remember what those movies were...). My plane from LA was late, and by the time I got back into the house, it's been about 26 hours of traveling. But it was definitely worth it. I got to relax a bit, after a few month of being caught in career-oriented minor hysteria ( I get it from time to time when there are no jobs coming in and I start feeling worthless). I need to remember to get away sometimes, away from NYC; the city of ruthless ambition and achievement, away from my MET star friends , away from managers and voice teachers and Lincoln Center and all the people in it; it's good to start breathing normally again, after a few days with the koalas (and family in-law!).
I was supposed to go to visit my family in Israel. A few birthdays to celebrate, a very old and fragile grandmother to kiss maybe only once more, and a few childhood friends to catch up with. But I cancelled. I am being logical and responsible,(especially for my husband's sake and for the New York City Opera), but I still can't help but feeling pretty shitty about it, and I feel mostly horrible for not being there together with my parents who duck in their room every time a missile flies over their town, waiting. It's a ghost town, they say. No people on the streets, no cars, no shops open. The sirens go off and then blasts, sometimes too close.

Monday, July 17, 2006

War again

While I was watching the penguins on Phillip Island, Australia, waddling from the icy Pacific onto the beach and back to their little ones with a stomach full of fish (no anchovies) my family in Haifa was awoken by the familiar sound of sirens and blasts.
Thank you all for your concern,(and thanks for all the Emails!) they are doing alright.
But I hope this shit stops NOW.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oz time

Melbourne is great. (And even though they still haven't discovered the wireless and broadband magic in Australia) it is just beautiful here; A city I could call home, I swear I could, if it only were a bit..Hmmm... Nearer?...
Mom-in-law took us to hear Midori (sweet little Midori , but since it was our second night here, I fell asleep during...nodding on and off...) then see the Sydney Dance Company with a new fantastic show by Graeme Murphy , then to the zoo (that's my one and only request whenever I come to Australia; visit the magnificent animals they've got here!) . We also saw a comedy show with our friend the fabulously funny Hung Le, and ate lots of Vietnamese noodles and Chinese Dim Sum (here called "Yum cha" for some strange reason). I bought me a breath -taking new (blood-red!) designer gown that will be great for orchestral concerts and Gala performences ( And:aaah, it is so good to spend only 0.75 for each dollar!) and changed my flight to a bit earlier so I can run an errand or two at home before flying again. Busy busy. PS Will post some photos of gown when I get it (tailored and perfect). Getting ready to go to the local pub (I hope they got my sparkling Shiraz ready!) and meet up with some friends. No worries mate!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The longest flight ever: in a few hours...

Sure to be taking all of my gadgets in the carry on.( Including RX sleeping aid pills I picked up from a frequent traveler friend, just in case), ipod,music I need to work on, my new puter, (why don't they sell wireless on ALL airlines, ALL flights??? My Japan airline flight was so much more exciting due to the in-flight connection!) and I think I am ready to go to Oz. It is so hot in New York City right now, it's pretty hard to pack for a winter, but I guess I managed to throw in some sweaters and boots and I am good to go.
Have a wonderful summer y'all!

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Philadelphia used to be my home for nine years. My little greenhouse, were I was so carefully taken care of, nourished and formed. There I have become me, really. Being back was quite wonderful. The city has changed a bit; Many more restaurants, cafes and little stores, but the same specific smell and the beautiful Rittenhouse square where I used to hang out and the trees and buildings and my old school... I had a blast. Met with some good old friends who still live there, and I was put at the Sofitel hotel which is a marvel, absolutely marvel! I mean, I've been to lots and lots of hotels; good bad and fabulous, but this one on 17th street in Philly, is one of the later. What a bed!
Concert went very well and I am looking forward to going back there for my next Philly thingy.